The promotion is tied to LEGO's Marvel Super Heroes construction sets and the associated LEGO Marvel Super Heroes video game, which launches this fall.
Running across the publisher's line, the LEGO variants will include:
All-New X-Men #17
Avengers #21
Avengers A.I. #4
Captain America #12
Daredevil #31
Fantastic Four #13
Guardians Of The Galaxy #7
Hawkeye #15
Indestructible Hulk #14
Infinity #3
Iron Man #17
Marvel Universe: Avengers Assemble #1
Mighty Avengers #1
New Avengers #11
Nova #8
Secret Avengers #10
Superior Spider-Man #19
Thor: God Of Thunder #14
Uncanny Avengers #12
Wolverine & The X-Men #36
X-Men #5.
--Nathan Wilson