Jasco added Capcom’s Mega Man as a license for its Universal Fighting System CCG last year, and plans to release its first product, a UFS MegaMan tin, in January.
The board game based on the property will be released in time for the 25th anniversary of the release of the first video game late this year. Jasco stated that they turned to Kickstarter for funding for two reasons, "First, and most importantly, we’re seeking funding to make this the board game we always wanted to make. Kickstarter funding will allow us to use better materials, offer more extras like miniatures, cards, extra boards, and polish the finalized product... Second, we wanted fans to have a chance to show their support for Mega Man and be involved in this exciting process."
The core game box will contain 5 Pre-Constructed Player Decks (40 cards each), 5 Mega Man game pieces, 5 Robot Master game pieces (Trophies), 1 Dr. Wily Game piece, 6 game boards (5 for the Robot Masters, 1 for Dr. Wily), 5 Mega Man Character Card Life Meters, 12 Stage Tokens for each Robot Master, 20 Stage Tokens for Dr. Wily, 5 of each Robot Master boss cards, 5 Mega Man Character cards, and a rule book (with digital download copy). Additional villain decks & game boards, exclusive game pieces, and Universal Fighting System deck boxes & card sleeves are all listed as stretch goals and add-on bonuses.
The Kickstarter has already raised $273,761 from 2,078 backers ($131.74 per backer average) as of this writing and will be funded on Sunday January 19th. There is a US retailer backing level available at the $500 level, which includes copies of the game and promotional materials "at a retailer price." Official MSRP for the game has not been determined.