Viz Media has announced that the Cartoon Network has renewed the anime series Prince of Tennis and MAR for a 'second season' on the Saturday night Toonami block. Prince of Tennis, which is based on the manga series by Takeshi Konomi (published by Viz Media), airs at 10 pm (ET, PT) on Saturday nights followed by MAR, which is based on another Viz manga (by Nobuyuki Anzai), at 10:30 pm.
Prince of Tennis (Tenisu no Ojisama) is extremely popular in
Both the MAR manga (15 volumes) and anime series (102 episodes) are shorter than Prince of Tennis. Viz plans on releasing the MAR anime series on a series of normal DVDs (MSRP $19.98 each), the first of which is due out on June 12th. The second volume of MAR is slated to be released on August 7th.