Rocket USA is preparing to release two sets of Futurama Die Cast Figures in February of 2008. Created by The Simpsons' Matt Groening, Futurama, which was cancelled by Fox after four years in prime time, has been a huge success during its long-running stint on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim where it has often received higher ratings than Leno or Letterman. The series moves to Comedy Central starting January 1, 2008, which should only increase its visibility as should the release in late November of the direct-to-DVD animated feature, Futurama the Movie: Bender's Big Score.
Rocket USA is selling its die cast Futurama figures in sets. Futurama Die Cast Series 1 ($24.95) includes Fry, Leela, Professor Farnsworth, and Bender. Futurama Die Cast Series 2 (also $24.95) includes a small Nibbler figure, the rather massive Doctor Zoidberg figure and a special Nickel-Plated Bender.