There's now another way to dress a store for Free Comic Book Day on May 4.  Marvel and DC made point of purchase posters available free to retailers buying into their respective FCBD programs through February Previews orders.  Now a sign-maker has made available large banners for retailers that want to display the Free Comic Book Day logo prominently inside or outside their stores.  The banners are available both in horizontal and vertical formats, at prices ranging from $45 to $85 at this page  for interested retailers.


With excitement building in the run-up to the Spider-Man movie (see the Marvel stock price lately?), the day after the movie opens is going to be a great day in comic stores, made even greater by this first-ever industry-wide promotion (see 'A Major Step Forward...').  If your store can benefit by the car-stopping message on these banners, it may be an option worth considering.