Bluewater Productions, the comic book publisher best known for its Ray Harryhausen Presents series, has inked a deal with the Vincent Price Estate to create a Vincent Price Presents comic book, which will feature the iconic horror film actor in a myriad of roles including host, muse, background player, and protagonist. The Bluewater staff is developing stories that are sequels to some of Price’s films (House of Wax, Masque of the Red Death, The Fall of the House of Usher, Witchfinder General, etc.) as well as gothic horror stories inspired by the actor’s legacy. Vincent Price Presents will be the comic book equivalent of the old Thriller TV series that featured Boris Karloff as host (and sometime protagonist) in a series of chilling tales. The first issue of Vincent Price Presents will be released in October in plenty of time for Halloween.
In addition of Vincent Price Presents, Bluewater is also planning an October debut for Bartholomew of the Scissors, a gothic horror series created by Chad Helder and Daniel Crosier. Like Vincent Price Presents, Bartholomew of the Scissors will emphasize gothic horror elements and innovative narrative twists rather than gratuitous gore.