Why I Killed Peter
Street date: November 2008
Author/Artist: Alfred & Olivier Ka
Age Rating: Mature
ISBN: 978-1-56163-543-6
Based on the true story of author Olivier Ka’s relationship with a pedophile priest, this graphic novel presents very simply the grey areas in such a situation: how he had tucked the whole episode deep within, then how his rage and self-pity let it all out, and finally how he came to revisit the priest near his death and come to grips with the entire experience.
Excerpt: “Peter was a populist priest. He was cool. He was funny. He was no priest, just a regular guy. It’s like I had another uncle. A great one, who laughed, who sang, who tickled. Until he took us for summer camp. Until we were so close, temptation came in the picture.”