Viz Media has announced that it will offer original, uncut episodes of Naruto, Death Note, and Bleach on Hulu.com, which provides free, ad-supported viewing of videos via the Internet. Some episodes of both Naruto and Death Note are available now, with more to be added. Bleach will be added later.
As an ad-supported venue, Hulu is similar to Joost; Viz announced that the same three series would also be available on Joost this week (see “Online Anime Options Proliferate”).
In addition to the Viz series, Hulu offers Mushi-Shi, Speed Racer, and Astro Boy episodes.
This marks further expansion of free ad-supported streaming distribution of prime anime content on the Web, and for Viz, a further extension of its strategy of experimentation with a variety of online anime delivery options (see “Interview with Gonzalo Ferreyra, Part 3”).