Catalyst Game Labs will release a number of traditional board and card games this year, ranging from casual party games to strategic war games. A company representative also hinted at the possibility of getting back into the mix in talks to acquire WizKids Games properties such as HeroClix.
Merchants is the North American release of Handelsfursten, created by Reiner Knizia and published by Pegasus Spiele in
Two other casual games, Paparazzi and High School Drama, are also planned for release later this year (see “Catalyst Enters Casual Game Biz”), featuring an innovative packaging method that allows players and retailers to sample each game’s rules.
Catalyst’s first boardgame offering, Balance of Power, is a diceless board game set in post-Napoleonic
At GTS, Catalyst also indicated that the company was still “very interested” in re-igniting talks to acquire WizKids Games properties, following the recent news that an earlier deal between Topps and an unnamed company fell through (see “HeroClix deal Collapses”). “I still think that HeroClix still has a very strong, very loyal following,” said David Stansel-Garner, Catalyst’s Operations Manager. “It’s got a lot of potential.”