Project Superpowers: Chapter Two #1
Dynamite Entertainment
Street Date: July 22, 2009
Price: $2.99
Writer: Jim Krueger
Penciller/Inker: Edgar Salazar (Main Story), Doug Klauba (Special Origin Story)
Colorist: Victor Ramones
Covers: Alex Ross (50%), Alex Ross (50%), Stephen Segovia (1-10), Jae Lee (1-5)
Rating: Teen+
UPC: 725130122544

The next exciting chapter of Dynamite Entertainment's Project Superpowers is here!  Overseen again by Alex Ross, who plots and art directs the entire Project Superpowers Universe, writer Jim Krueger returns for Chapter Two, as the pair of all-star creators are joined for the series by Edgar (Death Defying 'Devil) Salazar!  The new series is faster, more intense, and the WORLD IS AT STAKE!  This oversized, 48-page issue includes 22 pages of story and art, plus a new, 2-page painted origin of the 'Devil, plus 8 pages of bonus materials, and it's all for just for the regular price of only $2.99!

Featuring a "Dynamite" pin up by Marvel exclusive artist Marko Djurdjevic and a 1-in-5 Cover by Jae (Dark Avengers/X-Men cover artist) Lee as well as a 1-in-10 chase cover by Wolverine: Origins and Wolverine: Dangerous Games artist Stephen Segovia!  And, every issue from this 12 issue maxi series will feature a 1-in-5 variant cover by one of comic's luminary artists starting with Jae (Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men) Lee on number one, with future covers by: Marc (X-Men/Dark Avengers) Silvestri, John (Astonishing X-Men) Cassaday, Joe (Superman/Batman, Soulfire) Benitez, Lee (The Stand) Bermejo, Michael (The Darkness) Broussard, Stjepan (Witchblade) Sejic, Kenneth (Top Cow/Marvel Artist Punisher/Wolverine) Rocafort, Patrick (Avengers/Invaders) Berkenkotter, Jackson (Avengers/Invaders artist) Herbert, Mike (Black Terror) Lilly, Jae Lee and more!

Alex Ross cover
Jae Lee cover

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