Sell-in of comics was up over the same month a year ago in July, for the second consecutive month. This is the first time there have been two months in a row of increasing comic sales since September and October of 2008, a notable event. Comic dollars were up 3% compared to July 2008.
Sell-in of the top 100 graphic novels dropped again in July, for the fourth consecutive month (read “After Watchmen”). The Watchmen trade paperback did turn up in the top 300 graphic novels for the first time since April though (#74); the returns from the comic store consignment programs must have finally worked through the system sufficiently to allow positive sales to begin appearing on the reports again.
July sales on the top 100 graphic novels were down 11% in comic stores vs. the year ago period.
Sales of comics and graphic novels combined were up a hair in comic stores in July, bucking over-all retail trends.
For an overview and analysis of the best-selling comics and graphic novels in July, see "Blackest, Dark Comics Top July."
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For an overview and analysis of the best-selling comics and graphic novels in June, see "Batman, Cap Top June." For an analysis of the dollar trends in June see "Comic Sales Up in June."
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through July 2009, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."