Samantha Morton, Dominic West, and Polly Walker have been added to the cast of John Carter of Mars, based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs books, according to Hollywood Reporter.  Morton will play Sola, the daughter of Tars Tarkas (played by Willem Dafoe, see “Willem Dafoe Joins ‘John Carter’”).

Dominic West will play Sab Than, prince of the Zodangans.  He was McNulty in the award-winning series The Wire, and also had roles in 300 and Punisher:  War Zone.

Polly Walker will play Sarkoja, a Thark.  She was in HBO series Rome, and has been cast in Caprica, the upcoming Battlestar Galactica spin-off series (see “Caprica Bows on January 22nd”).

Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins are cast as the leads (see “John Carter Leads Cast”).  Shooting is scheduled to start early next year.