Starting in January 2010 Radical Publishing’s graphic novels will be distributed to the book trade by Random House. Random House will be distributing some of Radical’s previously-released traditional format graphic novels alongside Radical’s new format double and triple-size periodical comics, which will be squarebound to resemble the typical trade paperbacks to which bookstores are accustomed. Radical’s graphic novels were previously distributed to bookstores by Diamond Book Distributors.
Radical will be releasing its new format double/triple-size comics in a squarebound 6 5/8” x 10 3/16” format. The first of the new format titles is due in January. It will be Rick Remender’s 64-page The Last Days of American Crime #1 ($4.99), which features a cover design by Alex Maleev that is reminiscent of the stylish and sexy paperback covers of the 1940s and 1950s. Random House will be distributing the squarebound issues of The Last Days of American Crime (and similarly-sized Radical comics) to bookstores.