As previously reported by ICv2 (see 'Marvel Headed To CDS'), Marvel has now formally announced that it is taking its bookstore business from Diamond Comic Distributors to CDS.  CDS was very close to getting Marvel's bookstore business last summer, before Marvel moved to Diamond, so there was already a relationship long before the LPC bankruptcy led to the creation of a graphic novel division inside CDS (see 'CDS Graphic Novel Division Takes Shape'), and this deal was probably unrelated to the new initiative.


In spite of losing Marvel to CDS, Diamond will continue to distribute Marvel comics and graphic novels to comic shops and specialty entertainment retail chains.  Diamond, which recently formed its own book division (see 'Diamond Forms New Book Division'), will also continue to push aggressively into the book market and represent the more than 20 publishers who have already signed with Diamond's new division. 


The bankruptcy of LPC has put the bookstore distribution of many graphic novel publishers in play.  So far Tokyopop has signed with CDS (see 'Tokyopop Selects CDS For Book Distribution'), but Dark Horse, Image, Top Shelf and others are yet to announce their choices for bookstore distribution.


Here is the official Marvel announcement from COO Bill Jemas:


'CDS is now Marvel's exclusive distributor of graphic novels and trade paperbacks to bookstores and is also developing mass market and specialty store business.  Marvel is very impressed with Gilbert Perlman, CDS's Chief Executive Officer, and their entire management team. We are sure that our customers will appreciate their wide-range of coordinated, turn-key, sales, promotion and fulfillment services.


'I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that, for the past year, Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. has done an admirable job in servicing Marvel's major bookstore accounts.  I thank Steve Geppi and his staff for all their efforts on our behalf, and wish them success with their future book market efforts.  More importantly, we at Marvel look forward to a strong, long-term relationship with Diamond and continued success in distributing Marvel to comic book shops and specialty entertainment retail chains.'