Days of Wonder released its iPad app based on its hit Small World game this weekend, using the tablet surface as the boardgame field of play. The app provides for touch control of the game elements, allowing users to move their forces across the board, as the app automatically enforces movement rules and the strengths and weaknesses unique to each troop.
“For the first time, two players can sit across a table from each other and share a magical moment of gaming with a face-to-face playing experience that has had no previous equivalent in the digital world,” DoW CEO Eric Hautemont said.
The Small World app for iPad is $4.99. In-game add-ons, including new races and special powers, will be released and sold separately.
Days of Wonder has sold over 57,000 copies of its boxed board game Small World since the launch in April of 2009, along with over 32,000 expansions.