Green Ronin Publishing has signed a licensing agreement with DC Comics and will be releasing the first DC Adventures RPG volume in August. The game will be based on Green Ronin’s multiple ENnie award-winning Mutants and Masterminds superhero RPG system.
The DC Adventures RPG will eventually encompass four volumes, each of which will be published in full color and will feature the work of top comic artists. The first volume, which is due out in August, will be the DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook. DC Adventures: Heroes and Villains Vol.1 will follow in the fall. The next two volumes, Heroes and Villains Vol.2 and DC Adventures: Universe will be released in 2011.
The Green Ronin DC Adventures RPG will debut during DC Comics’ 75th anniversary year. DC-based RPGs also have a fairly extensive history. Mayfair published three editions (1985, 1989, and 1993) of its DC Heroes RPG, and