Marvel placed four Avengers titles in the top 10 in June, with New Avengers #1 in the top slot at just over 129,000. That was a significant drop, though, from the launch of Avengers #1 in May, which sold over 163,000 copies.
DC’s Batman #700 was actually the #1 dollar comic in June, one of three $4.99 landmark issues that DC placed in the top 25 (Superman #700 and Wonder Woman #600 were the other two).
Marvel and DC split the top 10 evenly; Marvel had a fairly typical 14 of the top 25. Also fairly typical was the gainers/decliners ratio in the top 25: 14 titles went down vs. the previous issues, eight went up.
Although a Dark Horse title based on a Joss Whedon title was the top non-Big Two title in June, it wasn’t Buffy the Vampire Slayer this month, it was the Serenity: Float Out One-Shot at #50.
In the graphic novel space, DC had the top book with Arkham Asylum Madness. As was the case on the June comics list, sales on the #1 book were modest, around 7,400. Sales on Image’s Chew Vol. 2, the #2 graphic novel in June, topped the first month sales on the first volume, as the popularity of this title continues to grow.
Here are ICv2's estimates of the sales by Diamond Comic Distributors to comic stores on the top 25 comic titles in June:
129,084 New Avengers #1
104,755 Batman #700
98,788 Avengers #2
92,140 Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #3
85,930 Green Lantern #55
85,815 Brightest Day #3
81,384 Brightest Day #4
77,933 Secret Avengers #2
76,068 Uncanny X-Men #525
69,433 Avengers Prime #1
68,804 Flash #3
67,571 Superman #700
66,652 Green Lantern Corps #49
65,578 X-Men Legacy #237
62,754 Justice League of
61,736 Amazing Spider-Man #634
57,670 Amazing Spider-Man #633
57,443 Captain America #606
57,363 Astonishing X-Men #34
56,443 Thor #611
56,146 Amazing Spider-Man #635
For an analysis of the dollar trends in June, see "June Comic Sales Up 1%."
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through June 2010, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."