The brisk floor traffic at Gen Con continued on Friday, with a more normal gender mix (i.e., a higher percentage of female attendees than Thursday). Perhaps, as one wag suggested, these days women have jobs and have to go to work (so didn't show up until later in the week), and men don't.
Here are a few more photos of booths and fans at the show (see “Gen Con Opens Large” for our initial batch of photos).
White Wolf took a very different approach this year, with a booth designed to promote The Grand Masquerade, an event for World of Darkness fans that will be held at the Roosevelt (Waldorf Astoria) in New Orleans in September. The event will include live action and tabletop roleplaying, the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle North American Championship, and other activities. The event is limited to 2000 fans.
A BattleTech elemental at the Catalyst booth.
One of the few fans we saw with the blues at the show.
Lady in black.
Dancing cosplayers at the Westin.
More cosplayers.
Happy to be there.
A female bobby.
Promoting Cosplay Deviants, a Website that's sort of the Suicide Girls of cosplay.
An attraction on the second floor of the convention center that gave attendees a chance to battle a dragon.
IDW gave away a Gen Con comic sampler for its upcoming D&D comic releases.