Enterplay is working with Hasbro on a range of collectible products for Transformers 3. The film releases July 2011; merchandise will start to hit in May.
In addition to its Hot Wheels Trading Cards (see “Hot Wheels Trading Cards”), Enterplay has released Mario Kart Wii Collector’s Tins in two designs (containing over 30 items, including four foil cards, trading cards, tattoos and a fold-out poster) and Super Mario Bros. Wii Trading Card Fun Paks.
Due out next month are Tony Hawk Skate Tags: 24 high-end skateboard shaped tags, packaged in a blind wrap.
And coming in 2011 are Muttles, a new puppy brand that combines a mini-plush, trading cards, and online fun in a $3.99 pack (shipping in January); and Littlest Pet Shop Trading Card Fun Paks, which come with trading figures (shipping Q1).