FFG has announced the third quarter release of The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus, a standalone board game of danger and explorations created by Guillaume Blossier and Frederic Henry. Players assume the role of one of eight adventurers, each with a unique power, and then proceed to explore the Pyramid of Horus, which has been hidden for centuries beneath the shifting sands of Egypt. 
The exploration is not without its dangers, there are traps that guard the pyramid’s priceless relics including a nest of cobras, a pit of scorpions and a pond filled with crocodiles, but there is also the constant danger of stones that fall during every turn and could entomb the explorers forever. 
A fast-moving adventure designed for from 2-6 players 13 and up, The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus takes just 45 minutes to play. This standalone game is the latest in the series of board games in the series from Dust Games. AEG published a previous Adventurers game, but it is now clear that FFG will releasing the subsequent Adventurers titles (see “Dust Games to FFG”).