Ten years after the September 11th attacks, the Frank Miller revenge saga inspired by 9/11 will be published by Legendary Comics as a $29.95 hardcover graphic novel. Originally the project was Batman: Holy Terror and it was the Dark Knight who was exacting a singular revenge on the terrorists. But the departure of Bob Schreck from DC Comics in 2008 due to some controversial dialogue in All Star Batman and Robin #10 meant the end of Miller’s Batman: Holy Terror project at DC.
However, as Bleeding Cool puts it, “when you hire Bob Schreck, you get Frank Miller.” Well at least if you are Legendary Comics, an off-shoot of Legendary Pictures (Batman, The Hangover) and you make Bob Schreck your EIC (see “Schreck is EIC of Legendary Comics”) you get a revised version of Holy Terror now set in "Empire City" with a protagonist known as The Fixer leading a one-man crusade against an army of murderous zealots.