White Wolf and DriveThruRPG have begun to work together to release both new and classic White Wolf products. ICv2 had an opportunity to speak with Matt McElroy and Shane DeFreest about their new print-on-demand offerings in their combined booth at Gen Con.
According to McElroy, new White Wolf product will be produced in a pdf version first, available at DriveThruRPG. Most titles will later be produced as digital print editions, which White Wolf will make available through the normal distribution channels.
Some books will see a change in format when they transition from pdf to digital print format. McElroy explained how shorter books that have “too [few] pages by themselves to be printed economically either for White Wolf or for us, or even for retailers” will be combined into a single print volume. He gave the example of the Adventure Guides, which will have three adventures combined into one book.
McElroy also indicated that some books will not be offered through distribution: “A few select titles we’re keeping for ourselves as exclusive DriveThruRPG products, both in digital and in print.” The Vampire Translation Guide, which allows players to convert materials between the older Masquerade format and the newer Requiem format is one such title.
DeFreest gave ICv2 details on the upcoming 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade. This book was initially sold directly to consumers by White Wolf as a deluxe edition. A special “Grand Masquerade” edition will also be made available to attendees at White Wolf’s convention in New Orleans next month. After the convention, a pdf version of the book will be offered through DriveThruRPG.
The 20th Anniversary Edition will not be compatible with the current Vampire: The Requiem system. DeFreest explains: “This is classic Vampire: the Masquerade. It’s basically Vampire the Masquerade with a facelift. It’s got a very original first and second edition feel and vibe. Tim Bradstreet did all the clan art; we went back to a lot of original artists; and the trade dress feels very classic Vampire. But most of the rules are kind of Vampire Masquerade Revised era rules.”
White Wolf and DriveThruRPG are planning on producing a print version of the book in the future, but there are currently no details available. DeFreet again: “We are looking at other options, some type of print on demand. We’re not sure exactly what format that would be, or when that would happen. Whether it’s black and white, full color, whether it has to be split into two books. There’s a lot of variables, so we don’t have any timeline or specific details at this point.”