DC Comics has confirmed to ICv2 that the second printing of Justice League #1 will be allocated, with retailers receiving 32% of their orders. The release of the second printing has been pushed back so that it will ship to retailers on September 21st, the same day that the 3rd printing will be released.
Retailers contacted by ICv2 who had sold out of Justice League were somewhat dismayed concerning the allocation of the second printings. It appears that the print order had to be set before the weekly Final Order Cutoff (FOC). Now retailers are worried that the “civilians,” who were motivated to visit comic shops to check out Justice League #1 by DC’s well-orchestrated publicity campaign, won’t understand the two-week wait to obtain the comic.
Retailers generally wish that DC had been more bullish (or would have waited to get the full number of reorders during the very narrow ordering window for the second printing). As Daniel McAbee of The Tangled Web in Spartanburg, South Carolina, who is worried about meeting demand for Batgirl #1, Action Comics #1 and other “New 52” titles as well as Justice League #1, put it, “Thank’s to DC’s reboot we are going to have a great fall. We could have had a fantastic fall if we had access to more books.”
McAbee ordered heavy on Justice League, but sold out quickly. He got in a substantial reorder for the second printing, and so didn’t order any of the third printing. Now he is wondering if there is some sort of mechanism to make sure that retailers will receive the remainder of their second printing orders.