The NBC show might have been canceled, but was still inspiring costumes at New York Comic Con.
The show was crowded everywhere on Saturday, including the entrance to the main exhibit hall, shown here.
A strange mouse that’s a Metallica fan.
An unmasked Spider-Man accompanied by the Black Cat, who’s looking pretty saucy.
A Neal Adams-designed Chevy, part of the Chevrolet sponsorship of the show.
Dark Phoenix and Cyclops were in attendance.
Storm and the mighty Thor, together at the show.
This booth, selling an eclectic mix of parasols, swords, and masks, was mobbed.
This lovely cosplayer was one of two we saw with this costume.
The other had the equipment.
Nice to see Section 23 back exhibiting at shows, even if it was a 10x10.
Click here for Part 2.
And for previous NYCC 2011 photos:
NYCC Friday Photos, Part 1
NYCC Friday Photos, Part 2