We wrap up our photo coverage of New York Comic Con with these photos from Sunday, the day when frantic fans try to have the fun and buy the stuff they missed the first two days.  We spent our time checking out booths that we’d missed and making a final tour of the Javits.  As always, click through for larger images.

Watch out with that ax!

This booth by Bloomingdales, featuring its line of King Features merchandise, was lit like a store.

Geek furniture has a growing presence at conventions.  This display by Geek Box features wall mounted cases for collectible dioramas.

And at the Geek Chic booth (no connection to GeekChicDaily), this gamers table was one of several special tables for geeks.

Exhibits by the governments and companies of foreign countries had increasing visibility at NYCC this year. Here’s a portion of the Romanian Cultural Institute booth.

And here’s a portion of the Chinese exhibits.

Portions of the New York Anime Festival moved upstairs to the Crystal Palace, a great space with lots of natural light.  This is the packed Anime Festival Artists Alley on Sunday.

100,000 comic and anime fans eat a lot of pizza.  Here the cooks crank out the pies.

Sith love.

Bandai’s new S.H. Monsterarts line, featuring a heavily articulated Godzilla, will premiere in November at some pretty high price points—around $75 for Godzilla, and around $90 for Mechagodzilla.

Click here for Part 2.

And for previous NYCC 2011 photos:
NYCC Friday Photos, Part 1
NYCC Friday Photos, Part 2
NYCC Saturday Photos, Part 1
NYCC Saturday Photos, Part 2