Wizards of the Coast’s Magic: The Gathering volume has doubled since 2008, Hasbro Chief Marketing Officer John Frascotti said at Hasbro’s annual Investor Day at its Pawtucket, Rhode Island headquarters on Wednesday, and shows no signs of slowing down. That growth has come in two ways: the player base has grown by over 80% during that period, and per player spending has grown by 16%.
Frascotti also talked about the unique nature of the Magic consumer. The typical Magic player is a male high school or college student, although the full age range is 16 to 35. He’s a technology early adopter, and engages with the game in multiple ways: online and on console at home, in store, or at competitive events.
WotC has clearly woven the CCG and digital forms of the game closely together over recent years, and Frascotti talked about how that process has worked from Hasbro’s point of view. “For the more than 12 million players around the world, Magic is more than just a product and more than just a game, it’s a lifestyle,” he said. “The average tenure of the Magic consumer is over eight years. And the more engaged the Magic consumer becomes in brand the more value they are to us as a business, as we migrate them toward successively deeper levels of engagement with complementary analog and digital experiences.”