Last week was a big news week, so we’re rounding up a number of odds and ends about movies with comic or game ties here.
A couple of Hasbro movies left Universal and moved elsewhere last week. Stretch Armstrong, which was in development at Universal (see "'Transformers,' 'Magic' Help Hasbro Raise Earnings"), is now at Relativity. And Candy Land, which was also in development at Universal, is moving to Columbia, where Adam Sandler is attached to star, according to Variety. It seems that Hasbro's deal with Universal is petering out after producing just one film based on a game, the mega-budget Battleship, which opens May 25 (see "'Battleship' Super Bowl Ad").
Another take on the script for the Robocop reboot (see "'Robocop' Scripter Hired") will be written by Gran Torino screenwriter Nick Schenk, according to Hollywood Reporter.
Viola Davis (The Help) has been cast in Ender's Game, based on the Orson Scott Card novel (see "Harrison Ford in 'Ender's Game'"), to play a military psychologist who helps design the games for young trainees, according to Variety.
And in the world of TV, The Big Bang Theory beat American Idol for the third straight week, according to Hollywood Reporter. Last week was the first week the geekfest sitcom beat the reality show juggernaut (see "'The Big Bang Theory' Tops 'American Idol'").