Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. has sued Dynamic Forces, Dynamite Entertainment, and Savage Tales Entertainment over the use of copyrights and trademarks based on works by Burroughs featuring Tarzan and John Carter of Mars (and related characters). The suit is over Dynamite books Lord of the Jungle, Warlord of Mars, Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris, and Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom. It alleges that ERB maintains trademark rights in the titles and characters, and also has copyrights in European territories on all of the Tarzan and John Carter works, and on some of them in the U.S.
The suit alleges that Dynamite began inquiring about rights to the properties in July of 2007, and was informed that they were at Dark Horse Comics and were unavailable. Dynamite began publishing its comics subsequent to those discussions, according to the complaint.
The suit also goes after Dynamite’s content. It alleges that depictions of Dejah Thoris “Border on (and in some cases are) pornographic,” with “exaggerated feminine features,” including a topless “Risque Nude” variants.
The suit requests that the court issue an Injunction barring Dynamite from using the ERB marks, ordering a recall, and asking Dynamite to disgorge the profits from the books.
Dynamite Entetainment did not respond to a request for comment on this story.