ICv2 asked DC about the reported impact of the New 52 on graphic novel sales, and SVP Bob Wayne said he had not seen an over-all impact on sales, pointing to collections of pre-New 52 content that did well in January (see "Rood & Wayne on January Sales").
Collections of the New 52 titles begin In May, which should bring the same success to DC’s graphic novels that it’s experiencing on its new comic sales.
A separate year-end report revealed that digital comics sales tripled in 2011 (see "Digital Comics Triple in 2011").
Here are ICv2's top graphic novel properties across eight categories for:
Top 10 Genre Graphic Novel Properties--2011
Top 10 Fiction & Reality Graphic Novel Properties--2011
Top 10 Superhero Graphic Novel Properties--2011
Top 5 Comic Strip Properties--2011
Top 10 Kids & Tweens Graphic Novel Properties--2011
Top 10 Shojo Properties--2011
Top 10 Shonen Properties--2011
Top 25 Manga Properties--2011
For info on how to get your copy of the ICv2's Internal Correspondence #78 with the full market reports, Pick Hits of the best upcoming releases, and reviews, see "ICv2 Releases 'Internal Correspondence' #78."