At the Diamond Retailer Summit Marvel announced that the alternate universe version of Steve Rogers will be back this summer in the pages of Ultimate Comics and that his reappearance will garner major attention in the mass media. Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch created the Ultimate Captain America in 2002, and last year Jason Aaron and Ron Gurney produced a 5-issue Ultimate Comics Captain America miniseries, but the Ultimate Cap announced his retirement during the aftermath of the Ultimate “Death of Spider-Man” event and hasn’t been heard from since.
At the Summit Marvel provided no details on the Ultimate Comics Captain America's return (they may be announced at one of this weekend’s C2E2 panels). Marvel contacted ICv2 to make clear that earlier reports of a new Ultimate Captain America on-going Ultimate Comics series were not accurate, but that Cap would be return to the pages of an as-yet-unspecified Ultimate comic sometime this summer. It certainly appears that Cap's reappearance will be a big deal with a unique angle that will activate the Mighty Marvel Mass-Media Hype Machine with the predicament of the Ultimate Captain America, who will “struggle with a decision that no superhero has ever had to make before.”