Fantasy Flight Games has revealed the four blister-packed Expansion Packs for the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, which is shipping in July. The four Expansion Packs, each of which has an MSRP of $14.95, will allow players of the game to add to their collections of starfighters. In addition to the one pre-painted starfighter miniature, each Expansion Pack also includes "Ship Cards" that allow players to choose the best pilot for the mission, plus five "Upgrade Cards" to customize their starfighters. The Expansion Packs allow those who have purchased the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Core Set, which includes an X-Wing Fighter and two TIE-Fighters, to greatly expand their Star Wars-themed battles (see "'Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game'").
The X-Wing Expansion Pack includes a striking pre-painted X-Wing miniature plus all the necessary cards, tokens, and dial, plus four skilled pilots including one of the Rebellion’s finest flyers, Wedge Antilles. The TIE-Fighter Expansion Pack includes the Empire’s main fighting vehicle, the highly maneuverable, but unarmored TIE-Fighter, plus all the cards and tokens necessary to utilize it in combat. The Expansion Pack also contains cards for six pilots including “Backstabber,” one of Darth Vader’s wingmen in the Battle of Yavin.
The Y-Wing Expansion Pack gives players another option to bolster their rebel forces with a pre-painted miniature of the more heavily armed and armored Y-Wing fighter, plus its tokens and dials. Four “Ship Cards” provide plenty of piloting options for players including the crack shot Hiram Salm. The Y-Wing fighters can be upgraded to include an ion-cannon, capable of disabling enemy ships at considerable range.
The TIE Advance Expansion Pack contains the upgraded advanced TIE fighter that includes shielding and advanced weapons systems. "Ship Cards" for this pre-painted miniature include Darth Vader and three additional Imperial pilots. The TIE Advanced Fighter can be upgraded with powerful cluster or concussion missiles that can do plenty of damage, and it allows players of the X-Wing Miniatures Game to augment their Imperial forces with authority.