The film version of Harvey Pekar's American Splendor comic book (published by Dark Horse) will receive a theatrical release from Fine Line Features. Produced by HBO and directed by Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini, American Splendor combines archival footage with re-enacted scenes featuring actor Paul Giamatti as the perpetually self-aware and irascible Pekar. American Splendor took the Grand Jury Prize, the top award for a dramatic film, at the recently concluded Sundance Film Festival (see 'American Splendor Wins Sundance'). According to the Hollywood Reporter both Sony and Newmarket Films were interested in acquiring the rights to American Splendor, but Fine Line, which like HBO is part of the AOL/Time Warner conglomerate managed to keep the film under the AOL aegis.
A theatrical release, which will undoubtedly be followed by showings on HBO, will definitely help increase sales of the American Splendor comics from Dark Horse as well as the trade paperbacks available from Four Walls Eight Windows.