Cryptozoic Entertainment has announced a brand new Sneak Preview program for its World of Warcraft Trading Card Game that will allow retailers to purchase product before the release date and hold a Sneak Preview event at their store. In addition to providing early access to product, Cryptozoic will also provide prize kits with each authorized purchase. Interested retailers can contact Cryptozoic via the World of Warcraft TCG Website to participate in the program, which is being run by Cryptozoic in conjunction with several distributors.
Hobby game retailers will be able to hold events for the October-shipping Timewalkers: War of the Ancients (see "Feast of the Winter Veil Comes to TCG" for a description of the release) on the weekend of September 22nd and 23rd, a full two weeks before the standard release date for the expansion. This marks the first time that Cryptozoic has held Sneak Preview events for the World of Warcraft TCG, but the publisher plans to make them standard practice going forward.