The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Playmates has relaunched the Turtles with a basic lineup of action figures that includes the four turtle figures, each of which comes complete with its martial arts implement of choice, plus figures for the turtles' mentor, Splinter, and their nemesis, the evil Shredder, and one of his minions. Subsequent series will include the turtles' human helper, April, as well as additional villains.
Playmates is placing a lot of emphasis on TMNT vehicles, which indicates that the company is aiming for play value over collectibility. The TMNT Armored Attack Truck (aka the 'Battle Shell') features a working winch plus dual action torpedo and missile launchers. The Turtles Fast Blastin' Cycle also comes armed with a front-mounted rocket launcher, while the Sewer Slider can fire off ninja stars from its front blaster.
The Simpsons
Other mass-market toy lines do well for independent retailers outside the U.S., where stores don't face the same sort of mass market competition, but the Playmates Simpsons figures are one of the few major company toy releases to sell well in a wide variety of shops here in the States -- something that was demonstrated by the fact that Playmates Simpsons toys consistently made the ICv2's Top 10 Cool List, which measures sell-through at pop culture stores. The problem with any 'mature' line such as Playmates Simpsons toys, which recently shipped its eleventh wave of product to retail, is keeping the line fresh and keeping collectors interested. Playmates has done an excellent job of this with its interactive playset environments, which enable the Simpsons action figures to speak characteristic lines of dialogue when placed in the environment. For 2003 Playmates is increasing the vocal abilities of some of its Simpsons figures with some wild voice response technology and bringing back new versions of the key Simpsons characters to go along with the more obscure denizens of Springfield, who are now being immortalized as action figures for the first time.
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