We had a chance to chat with Robert McGuire of Gen Manga recently, to discuss his company and its releases.
Describe your company and what you do.
We’re indie manga from the Tokyo underground. We publish original indie manga from Japan. All of our artists are indie manga artists also known as doujinshi. We publish them first anywhere in the world. We publish in English and Japanese simultaneously digitally.
We offer a digital subscription to a monthly magazine. The monthly magazine has a variety of different artists in it, a variety of different stories each month. We’re constantly introducing new ones. We cover all genres. Once the stories collect and become popular we release them as single one-shot graphic novels.
How many print releases have you had?
Fifteen of the ongoing series, Gen, and then we have three tankobon, or three one-shots. We plan to release about three times as much of that next year.
Three times as many tankoubon?
Yes, next year. Nine to twelve next year.
Tell us about your recent releases
When we first started out we kept things not too edgy because we didn’t want to scare anyone off, but some of the recent issues, the last two, we’re introducing some edgier stories. Psycho is one of them—it’s about a post-apocalyptic Japan where once again Japan has become an isolated island and people have started growing mutations. They change into inanimate objects; they change into animals, to monsters, but the monsters are man killing beasts so hunters roam the land and have to kill these beasts. The story is about one particular hunter named Psycho. That was just introduced recently in Gen. It’s one of our new ones in digital and print.
And we just released a tankoubon called Good-bye Geist. It’s a high school story about a girl being sexually violated on the train (felt up), which happens all the time in Japan, and somebody’s filming her. Meanwhile at her class someone is brutally slaughtering cats and leaving messages on the board. It’s a mystery psycho thriller and you have to find out who did it and why the guy’s filming her. We don’t have any more titles before the end of the year.
How are your titles distributed?
Diamond, Iverse, and Ingram.