Aron's Absurd Armada Omnibus Vol. 1 TP (Manga)
Publisher: Yen Press
Release Date: November 20, 2012
Price: $18.99
Creator: MiSun Kim
Format: 272 pgs., Black & White, Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-3162-1996-9
Age Rating: Older Teen
ICv2 Rating: 3 stars out of 5
Aron comes from a royal family but, seeking a life of adventure, has decided to set out onto the high seas to live the life of a pirate. Together with his bodyguard Robin and his crew made up of a genius they find floating in the ocean named Ronnie, two extras they find along the way, a hairdresser/assassin and a chef who can't actually cook the ragtag crew sail in search of adventure and treasure.
Aron's Absurd Armada is basically the manhwa equivalent of candy. It's absolutely delicious and delightful when you take it in as a treat but once you start trying to consume too much of it in one sitting it just doesn't sit right in your stomach.
Told mostly in four koma style (though it occasionally changes into more traditional comic format), Aron's Absurd Armada is a delightful and fun romp with a cast of characters that will constantly have you giggling. It's really got everything that you want in a comedy series such as a strong mix of characters that all balance each other out and artwork that is pleasing to look at as you turn each page. Even better, there is an actual story that plays out swiftly from page to page. There is very little that you can say about this comic that isn't a compliment. If only it were easier to digest in larger chunks because it is such a good series.
The 'Older Teen' rating is appropriate for this book thanks to the language and more adult humor that plays out throughout each page however particularly as the series likes to play around with gender roles (for example, Ronnie, one of the lone females of the series, is seen and treated as a gay male due to her short hair) and will sometimes take jabs that can be taken in worse lights in the wrong hands (constant 'homo' jokes are made against Ronnie due to her open crush on Robin). Provided that you have a sense of maturity however, these jokes are harmless and all in good fun.
Funny and charming, it's easy to recommend this book to others who are looking for something that they can pick up for occasional short breaks from real life. Set sail with this crew and have some fun along the way because this one is a keeper!
-- L.B. Bryant