Viz is releasing the 96-episode Maison Ikkoku anime in a series of eight DVD box sets, each of which contains 12 episodes. Written by Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma, Inu-Yasha), Maison Ikkoku is a sparkling romantic comedy that traces the long and extremely bumpy path to romance between a penniless college student and the almost unobtainable object of his affections -- his landlord, a lovely widow, who still has strong feelings for her dead husband and who is also pursued by more attractive and well-heeled suitors than our poor hero. Viz plans to issue the first 300-minute DVD box set on July 16. A portion of the Maison Ikkoku anime series was previously available here in the States on VHS, but only up to Vol. #18. The new DVD edition will contain both the Japanese (with optional English subtitles) and English soundtracks.
Viz has already published English editions of the original Maison Ikkoku manga, and it would surprise no one if they reformat the manga to the new smaller, less expensive $9.95 format. Judging from what is selling in bookstores now (see 'Manga Continue To Dominate Bookstore Bestsellers'), the series looks like a surefire winner in the bookstore market. Maison Ikkoku has already developed something of a cult following among anime and manga fans here in the U.S. There is simply no American animated equivalent for this sort of 'adult' romance -- no it's not hentai--but it does contain adult situations and adult language as well as an adult romance that can't help but have the audience pulling hard for the hapless, but good-hearted hero. Like the rest of Rumiko Takahashi's work, Maison Ikkoku appeals strongly to both male and female viewers -- and with the increasing number of female manga and anime fans -- that spells 'cult hit' for this uniquely charming series.