WizKids showed two games at Toy Fair tied to Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall, the second film in the franchise: Kick-Ass 2 HeroClix and Kick-Ass 2 Connect with Pieces. Kick-Ass 2 HeroClix is planned with a gravity feed for boosters.
WizKids Marketing & Product Coordinator Scott D'Agostino described the mechanic for Connect with Pieces. "Connect with Pieces is a puzzle building game where you use puzzle pieces to create an image," he said. "Each puzzle piece has an embossed symbol in it so as you’re placing pieces next to each other, if you match symbols you gain points, so there’s a gameplay element to building the puzzle."
Both Kick-Ass 2 products are planned for release this summer. The film opens on June 28 (see "First Official Still from 'Kick-Ass 2'").