Director Spike Lee looks to be sticking very close to the film source material, if this first
Oldboy trailer is any indication. The trailer for the remake of the 2003 South Korean revenge-thriller shows the 20-year imprisonment of star Josh Brolin (see "
'Oldboy' Movie Gets Star"), then fast-forwards to his mysterious release, where things get violent and bloody. There are a few glimpses of co-star Samuel L. Jackson near the end. The film also stars Elizabeth Olsen and Sharlto Copley, with screenplay by Mark Protosevich (who wrote screenplays for
I Am Legend and
The Korean live action film, directed by Park Chan-wook, won the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes in 2004. It was based on an eight volume manga series, published in the U.S. by Dark Horse Comics.
Oldboy will be released in theaters October 25th.