Vlaada Chvatil ‘s Galaxy Trucker: The Latest Models is an expansion for his Galaxy Trucker. It consists of new game boards for 2 – 5 players, with model C spaceships. Avoid the asteroids that may hit the ship, because one coming from the front may hit a ship on the side, or split into two and impact the ship twice. The game is for 2 – 5 players, age 13 and up, and plays in 90 minutes. MSRP is set at $19.95. The most recent expansion for Galaxy Trucker was early this year (see "'Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion'").
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar--Tribes & Prophecies, designed by Simone Luciani and Daniele Tascini is an expansion for Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (so the base game is required to play). In this version, players become leaders of one of 13 tribes, each with a special ability. Each game is influenced by three prophecies (of 13 total) that are revealed ahead of time, and fulfilled during the game. The game also contains components to allow a fifth player for the game, and several new buildings are included. The game is for 2 – 5 players, ages 13 and up, and plays in 90 minutes. MSRP is set at $39.95.