The 60-card set focuses on the new Very Rare Absolute Spells (one for each Civilization), which have the potential to swing the outcome of a duel to their caster’s favor. The "5 Mystics"--one for each Civilization--appear as creatures in the set, and their combined power will result in a guaranteed victory if the duelist has all five in their Battle Zone. The set will also include two powerful new cards designed at the 2013 Kaijudo Summer Championship. The nine-card boosters will be packed 24 to a display and retail for $3.99 a pack.
Wizards Play Network stores can also host Sealed Deck Tournaments during the Set Premiere weekend March 14 – 16. Premiere kits are available which include 30 promo Reckoning cards, 30 promo Wavebreaker Shaman cards, a double-sided poster, and instruction document. Players will open five The Five Mystics booster packs, and build decks of at least 30 cards from only those packs (decks can contain more than three copies of a single card). The tournament runs for 3 rounds and the promo card prizes are awarded based on match wins.
Kaijudo: The 5 Mystics will follow Kaijudo: Booster Brawl, which will release in February (see "'Kaijudo: Booster Brawl'"). Kaijudo has been moving up on the Top Collectible Games chart (see "Top Collectible Games--Summer 2013").