Osprey has named Philip Smith as the Games manager for the new Osprey Games division. "Osprey and war gaming have always been the proverbial 'two great tastes that taste great together,'" said Smith. "The creation of Osprey Games means that gaming is going to be getting a lot more attention, and I’ve already got some very exciting projects on the drawing board."
Osprey ventured into the gaming side of the hobby market in 2008 with Field of Glory, in collaboration with Slitherine Strategies, Ltd. It has since published Force on Force modern rules (with Ambush Alley Games), Bolt Action WWII rules (with Warlord Games) and others (see "Rolling for Initiative--Osprey Ventures into Fantasy (Again)" and "Osprey Does Steampunk Rules").
Osprey is currently recruiting a Games Developer to manage the board and card game side of the division, which Osprey Managing Director Richard Sullivan sees as a key step in its games progress. "Our experience with war gaming rules, our in-house capabilities and some canny recruitment will ensure we’ll be bringing out some great games in the near future," he said.