Cryptozoic recently released Kovalic’s ROFL! (see "Cryptozoic, Kovalic Partner on 'ROFL!'"), and while this new game focuses on movies, "You don't need to know movie trivia - you just need to remember what movies you've seen," Kovalic said in the announcement. "While movie buffs will love it, even a casual movie viewer can compete alongside them. It's an ideal party game for anyone."
Cards contain a movie element from one of seven different categories (Prop, Location, Character, Scene, Theme/Genre, Setting, Production feature). Players flip over two cards, and race to name a movie that links those two elements. There are multiple correct answers possible for any given combination. First to name a movie that fits the cards scores a point. The first player to earn enough points wins.
The game includes 120 Double Feature cards and a rulebook. The game is for 4 -10 players, ages 12 and up, and plays in 20 – 30 minutes. MSRP is $15.00.