Publisher: WizKids Games
Release Date: April 23, 2014
MSRP: $14.99 (Starter), $0.99 (Booster Pack)
Format: Starter: 44 custom dice, 38 cards, accessories; Booster: 2 cards, 2 dice
Number of Players: 2+
Playing Time: 1 hour
Product #: 71298 (Starter) /71299 (Booster Gravity Feed)
Age Rating: 14 and up
Dice Masters is an all-new cross-brand offering utilizing WizKids Games’ proprietary Dice Building Game platform where players collect and assemble their "team" of character dice and battle in head-to-head game play.
As with Quarriors, the game that kicked off Dice Building Games, Michael Elliott and Eric M. Lang are leading the design work for what will certainly be on most people's watch list.
For more information on this release, see "'Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men'". For information on the Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs. X-Men Play Mat see "'Marvel Dice Masters: X-Men' and 'Play Mat'".
Description of preview: 3 cards