The popular Japanese card game (see "Hit Japanese Game 'Machi Koro' Due Here in July") was previewed by IDW Games at the GAMA Trade Show, where they also gave away copies. "The board game market’s abuzz about Machi Koro, and a lot of that has been due to the enthusiasm created in all the 'friendly local game stores,'" said IDW Director of Business Development, Jerry Bennington. "This exclusive landmark card is our way of thanking the shops that have created and educated these fans of well-designed, lighthearted strategy games like Machi Koro."
Each pre-ordered copy of Machi Koro will include five copies of the exclusive "Gaming Mega Store" card inserted in the box, and the all-new card will be compatible with both Machi Koro and the upcoming Machi Koro Plus expansion. Pre-orders must be received by May 28 to guarantee the inclusion of the exclusive card.