"The Doctor Who Card Game Second Edition is at press now and is planned for early fall release," Hodgson said. "It’s the same core game; there’s a refresh of most of the cards. Some of the classics are still in there; you get more Doctors: Christopher Eccleston, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Peter Capaldi. Loads of new adversaries, loads of new locations, and there’s a new two-player variant."
"But it’s the same great Martin Wallace game, same refresher cards, compatible if you have the first set (see "'Doctor Who Card Game'"). You can shuffle in the second set and play a bigger game, it all works together."
Cubicle 7 was also showing off new releases for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG. "The Fourth Doctor Sourcebook is just out now; The Fifth Doctor Sourcebook is not far behind," Hodgson said. "The Fifth Doctor Sourcebook should be out at the beginning of September."
"We’re continuing with the Doctor sourcebooks. There’s a lot of excitement over the Eighth Doctor, because there’s not a lot of information. He only had the TV movie, so there’s a lot of anticipation about what we’re going to do. We’ve got a great plan in place for what we’re going to do with him. Stay tuned for that," Hodgson teased. "The Sixth and Seventh are available for PDF, and they’re queued up for print, they’ll come out in due course, we try to do one every other month." The Sixth Doctor Sourcebook should be released to trade before the end of the year.
At the show, Cubicle 7 was also showing off the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space Limited Edition Rulebook. "It’s not a new edition in terms of rules," Hodgson clarified. "It’s slightly tightened up, with a couple of new examples, but it’s a celebration of last year’s anniversary, with absolutely lavish production and huge amounts of artwork. It’s awesome for fans."
"That’s in retail now; it’s done really well for us. It’s nice to see these in. We’ve done box sets before, and we will be doing box sets next year, we’ve got some plans for that. There will be an introductory Doctor Who roleplaying game product. It’s really nice for retailers to have it in a book so customers can look through what they get because of the really high production values people are coming to associate with Cubicle 7."
Hodgson shared that the Doctor Who RPG is the company’s best selling product, but it’s closely followed by the Lord of the Rings RPG: The One Ring. Cubicle 7 recently released a revised edition of the core rulebook (see "New Edition of 'The One Ring' RPG"), along with the new The Darkening of Mirkwood sourcebook.
As for what’s next for the line, "Rivendell is coming up," he said. "At last you get to play a ranger or an elf of Rivendell, and it’s a huge region guide to west of the Misty Mountains," Hodgson said of the next setting sourcebook. Rivendell should release by the end of the year, with an MSRP of $39.95. For more information on upcoming The One Ring releases see "Cubicle 7 Announces 'One Ring' Releases."