Score is rolling out a robust support program for its new Yu Yu Hakusho CCG, streeting September 15th, that includes a pre-launch kit, special launch tournament kits, and an enhanced ongoing tournament program. Retailers that are 'SEVEN Hosts' because they've hosted DBZ CCG events in the past will receive the Yu Yu materials on request; retailers that have not previously participated in Score's organized play program can join it free.
Retailers can host Yu Yu Hakusho TCG SEVEN Approved Tournaments with a kit that provides an assortment of prizes and randomized tournament exclusive boosters. Each kit contains a t-shirt and 24 booster packs containing 5 cards from the exclusive 22-card tournament subset. Score recommends that retailers charge players a nominal participation fee of $5 to enter the tournament. Normally the tournament kits, which support 20 players and have a value of close to $100, sell to retailers for $30, but during the launch of the first series of the Yu Yu Hakusho TCG Score is making these kits available free of charge to hobby retailers.
Every member of Score's organized play program will receive a free Yu Yu Hakusho Pre-Launch Kit, which includes posters, demo packs, a window cling, a DVD game demo, and a table top easel-backed standee.
And there are special launch events--the Yu-Yu Hakusho TCG At-Launch Tournament. The At-Launch Tournament must take place between September 19 and 21, 2003, but the free At-Launch Tournament kit includes double the number of boosters and t-shirts. The deadline for retailers to place an order for standard tournament kits as well as At-Launch Tournament kits is September 5, 2003.
Retailers can begin hosting standard tournaments on September 22, and should order their October Tournament kit by September 15. Score will produce tournament kits every month and the deadline for ordering them will be the fifteenth of the previous month.
Score plans to spur interest in its new game via a series of TV spots and TCG demos that are included in all the Yu Yu Hakusho DVDs produced by Funimation (see 'Score Plans Two-Prong Push For Yu Yu Hakusho TCG').