An ICv2 Release. ICv2 announced the release of ICv2 Retailers Guide to Graphic Novels #2 at the BookExpo America trade show at McCormick Place in Chicago this weekend. Retailers will begin receiving their copies of the Guide through distributors this week.
This issue of the Guide contains ICv2's analysis of the 2003 graphic novel market, including its size, growth rate, and how the sales break down between comic stores and bookstores (see 'Graphic Novels Up 50% in 2003').
Also in the Guide, a new look at how graphic novels break down into categories, and how the top summer prospects look in each of those categories.
This Guide is available free to retailers by e-mailing Dennis Viau at Dviau@ICv2.com, and for $10 to non-retailers through the ICv2 online store by clicking here.