Abstract Studios' creator/writer/artist of Strangers in Paradise, Terry Moore, told ICv2 at Comic-Con International in San Diego that HarperCollins will be publishing the Strangers in Paradise Treasury Edition in October. This 12' x 8' 240-page hardcover will be a retrospective of the first ten years of SiP, with much of the book in color.
Roughly 60% of the content will never have been published before, including the original 'rough draft' 30-page first issue of SiP (in black & white), behind the scenes information, how Moore got started and how SiP came to be, director's notes and even nude preliminary sketches.
Strangers in Paradise, with a very loyal fan base as one of the longest-running independent comic titles (closing in on 70 issues to date), is being released in a new format; SiP Pocket Book Collection 1 premiered at Comic-Con. Four volumes are planned, each at a $17.95 cover price for 360 pages or more, covering sixteen to twenty issues without editorial interruption. All feature new artwork on the covers, as well as on the spines, which, when all four are placed side by side, form one piece of continuous artwork.
SiP Collection 2 is due out in September, with Collection 3 coming in November and Collection 4 in December, allowing the set to be available for holiday sales as a package.
SiP, thanks to the high quality of story and art and the book's well-deserved popularity, is now being published around the world in eight languages (so far).