Decipher is introducing the first two-player product for the MegaMan Trading Card Game on February 18th with the release of the MegaMan TCG NetBattle Box. The NetBattle Box, which will retail for $24.99, has everything two players need to sit down and blast away at each other including decks, booster packs, rulebooks and playmates.  Designed as an entry-level product for consumers who are new to the game, the NetBattle Box also contains enough value to interest current players. 


The MegaMan Net Battle Box includes two random 60-card starter decks from a previous MegaMan TCG set as well as two random 10-card booster packs from a previous MegaMan release plus two foil promo cards ('MegaMan, Cyber Hero' and 'Dish A Little Dirt'), which have only previously been available through incentive programs.  Twelve foil cards are guaranteed in every specially packaged NetBattle Box with the possibility of additional Ultra-rare and Super-rare foils in the two booster packs.